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Joyce Tsai 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of my friends shared with me once his very good philosophy about friendship.


He said:

Some friends are friends for a Reason;

Some friends are friends for a Season; and

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We checked out the hotel around 11:30am, the buses took us to a restaurant where served aboriginal food.Even the restaurant is identified as an aboriginal restaurant; I believe the food was already influenced by Taiwanese food as the dishes and flavors were not starkly presented.It was okay as I was not that hunger.The last stop we went was the Taroko National Park, one of the eight national parks in Taiwan.The park was established in 1986 to protect the natural scenery and to conserve natural resources.We did not go to the most famous spots as too many visitors from China.We picked one trail called Shakadang Trail, also known as "Mysterious Valley Trail" which was built along the river cliff.It normally requires at least 3 hours time to walk through whole trial which we did not have as we needed to catch 5:30pm train back to Taipei, so we only spent 1.5 hours here.Too bad, otherwise it would be great to observe both the rock folds and plant ecosystem beside in the river valley completely.




Before going home, we still had time to buy some local snacks to share with family and friends.I brought one box of Mochi (12 pieces), which is made of glutinous rice and stuffed with sweet filling, such as red bean paste, green bean paste, peanut paste and sesame paste, etc.My parents ate them all without saving one piece for me.Another famous snack from Hualien is the Sweet Potato Cakes stuffed with taro paste.Luckily, I still had a chance to have one bite on last Saturday.I also brought a pack of rice, which is flavored with taro.I have no idea what is the taste; I guess I have to wait until my mum cooks it someday.

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The second day was a remarkable day of our three-day trip.The buses took us to the Luye Township where has many terraced fields, much sunlight and unpolluted air.In recent years, it has become a popular tourist area for national tourism.We stopped at Ado’s Shop to rent bikes and followed the owner – Ado for a pleasant ride along the well-maintained bicycle path that curves around the houses and fields of Wuling section.There are many large trees along two sides of the road in this section, which come into being a majestic beauty of Green Tunnel.Aside from cycling Luye area, Ado offered an outstanding service by providing us a guided tour to some historic sites, letting us to play bamboo cannon, etc.The highlight of the ride would be the activity of lying down on the road.It gave us an experience that we will never get it in Taipei and/or any other big cities.We spent two hours on the cycling tour then got on the buses again to head to a local restaurant for lunch.




The restaurant located at the Luye Gaotai area.The whole Luye area is the most famous tea farm area.Due to the pleasant view of the vast Luye area landscape and its tea plantation scenery, the Luye Tea Plantation followed the trend of switching from traditional farming to recreational farming, and became a recreation and tourist tea plantation.All the food we ate for lunch were added with tea favor, such as stir fried green tea noodles, steamed fish with jasmine tea, braised pork with oolong tea, etc.It was a nice try, somehow, some colleagues had diarrhea afterwards in the late evening.

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I joined a trip to Hualien and Taitung on May 18, 2011. Here is the recp for the first day of the trip.


There were total 78 pax (including 2 kids) in our batch and divided into three groups for buses allocation.We all met first in Taipei Train Station at 6:40am on Wednesday then took the train to Hualien at 7:30am.The travel agent was requested to provide breakfast service for all the participants, so no one had to worry about suffering from hunger in the early morning.It was always a better and faster way to take train instead of bus to travel in a long distance.We arrived Hualien around 10:30am then got on buses based on the assigned groups.The buses were our transportation tools whilst we moved around between Hualien and Taitung.


The first spot we explored in Hualien was the Ji’an Chin-shui Yuan, which was a third-degree historic site located at the Ji’an Township.In the early period, most of the inhabitants in this area were from Amis (aborigines) before occupied by Japan.Due to so many Japanese immigrated into this area at that time, therefore, one of the Japanese decided to build this place for their people to worship.This place was also served as a medical center, classroom and funeral ceremony venue, etc.We didn’t stay too long in this place but had enough time for us to take photos.Then we left for lunch.

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根據比利時經濟學者范藍格漢姆(Bert van Landeghem )的研究,人的快樂感平均從廿五歲以後開始下滑,隨著工作和家庭等各種責任,及失業和親友的生老病死,中年時期、平均四十五歲,是人生最不快樂的谷底。



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